How to Fix a Chipped Tooth
A chipped tooth can be the result of several factors, including injuries, accidents, tooth decay, or simply biting down too hard when eating. Regardless of the cause, anyone who’s suffered from a chipped tooth knows this condition can both cause discomfort and disrupt the quality of the smile. Thankfully, chipped teeth are generally treatable in the hands of a top cosmetic dentist like David R. Newkirk, DDS. With nearly 30 […]
Read MoreDark lines on my crowns
Can recommend a way to get rid of the dark line on my gumline? They’re from my crowns, but I don’t know who to get rid of them. Alex- New Jersey Alex, There is a way to fix it, but unfortunately it means getting new crowns. Don’t get the type of crowns you have now, which are porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. If you do, you will just end up with a dark […]
Read MoreWhat is the best crown?
I have a broken bridge in the back of my mouth and a missing incisor, and loose front tooth that just recently happened from falling and knocking out my tooth. Friends keep telling me to get the new Lava crowns?? They say they are very strong. I am so lost, Please help. I am very distraught and want to find the best dentist to make my smile beautiful and natural. […]
Read MoreMy porcelain crowns keep cracking
Hi I had porcelain caps for about 6 years now on just about all my teeth. Well since then I had to replace 8 of them from them cracking. I was eating chicken tonight and another one broke. The dentist that did the work said it happens. I paid over 40,000 plus constant root canals. I never had a problem with my teeth until I had my teeth done. Is […]
Read MorePolishing porcelain
I have crowns from 25 years ago on my front 3 upper teeth. One broke off and I just got it replaced with a new one. The other two crowns are polished and still look good, no stains. He filed down my new crown to make it fit and it doesn’t feel polished. It feels rough and not so smooth. My question is if you file a porcelain crown and do not polish it, will it […]
Read MoreAllergic reaction to porcelain fused to metal crown
I had a glass crown with metal fitted on my front tooth in November 2010.I recently noticed a brown discoloration between the crown and the gum margin. I thought that the crown had separated from the gum. I visited my dentist two weeks ago. He said that I had severe gum inflammation. He told me to apply an anti-inflammatory preparation for a week and then to report back to him. […]
Read MoreCosta Rica Cosmetic Dentistry
I had about a ten-year bout with bulimia beginning in the late 60s, before the name was coined. Thankfully, I completely overcame this horrific problem, but the effect on my teeth was disastrous. In addition, I should have had braces as a teenager, and I had a serious bruxism problem. This triple threat caused my teeth to be in terrible shape, and regretfully, I didn’t do anything about it until […]
Read MoreCost of porcelain onlays
Today my dentist says I need an “onlay porcelain/ceramic 3 surface” on tooth no.3 and one on no.2. He needs to remove the old amalgam fillings before puting on the onlays. Costs; $2,600.00. Is this a fair price, here in Edmond, Oklahoma? Thank you for your time!! – Ed from Oklahoma Dear Ed, $2600 for two onlays, including the buildups that have to be done underneath them, I’m guessing is […]
Read MoreSolution to a single discolored front tooth
I am 25 and I have one discolored tooth on the front. I had root canal done when I was about 12. I am trying to decide what I should do about it. I have talked to a lot of dentists also read many articles online but everybody seems to have a different opinion about the best way to fix it. One dentist said that crowns or veneers are too […]
Read MoreWhat if I have crowns on my front teeth and I want to bleach?
I have porcelain fused to metal crowns on my two front teeth. I have had them for a few years now and the black line at the gum line is starting to show, and the crowns appear to be alot bigger than all my other teeth. I have decided to replace these crowns will all porcelain crowns, however I want my teeth whitened as well. Would I have to get my real teeth whitened before […]
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