Can I fix my own denture?
I dropped my denture on the kitchen floor. Two of the teeth broke off. Is it possible for me to superglue them back on? George C. – Boston George, Please don’t try to fix your dentures yourself, especially with superglue. You don’t want to put unnecessary chemicals in your mouth. Instead, it’s best to use the materials that have been designed to be safe in the human body. There is […]
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What if I can’t afford dental implants?
I’m needing to replace quite a few teeth. What do I do if I can’t afford dental implants? I don’t want to be stuck with dentures. I’ve seen my mother suffer through those for years. MaryAnne L. – Little Rock, AR Mary Anne, I can understand you’re not wanting to use dentures. They’re miserable for many patients. Plus, you want to preserve as much bone structure as possible, which dentures […]
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Can any dentist do porcelain veneers?
I was thinking of getting porcelain veneers in order to have a better smile. Can any dentist do that or does it have to be a specialist in cosmetic dentistry? Lizzie J. – Georgia Lizzie, There isn’t such a thing as a specialist in cosmetic dentistry. All cosmetic dentists are just general dentists who also do cosmetic work…some better than others. If you’re going to have cosmetic work done, you […]
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My new dentist has me terrified of my fillings
I moved to a new city. I just saw my shiny new dentist for the first time. He did my exam and expressed concern about my fillings. I have had them for years. I also grind my teeth. He said the combination of my old fillings with teeth grinding is putting mercury into my system. How is that possible? Chloe P. – Pennsylvania Chloe, I’m guessing, based on what you’re […]
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Are there different brands of lumineers?
I am going to get a new smile. I’m excited about that. I just wanted to check if there were different brands of lumineers so I can ask for the best one. Denae L. – Brooklyn, NY Denae, Lumineers is a brand, a brand of porcelain veneers. The question you need to ask is not what is the best brand, but who is the best dentist. The reason is it […]
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Can you get porcelain veneers if you have a tooth gap?
I really wanted to get some porcelain veneers, but my dentist said I can’t because of my tooth gap. it’s not that bad of a gap, maybe 3 mm. Is that impossible to deal with? Abigail N. – Missouri Abigail, It’s not impossible to get porcelain veneers when you have a tooth gap. If you click on this link for Dr. Newkirk’s porcelain veneers page, you’ll actually see some pictures […]
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Clorox for white teeth??
I have a friend with really white teeth who says she does it herself by gargling with clorox bleach. Is this safe? It seems to work for her. Claire- Mississippi Claire, People sometimes get confused about teeth whitening. They hear that dentists bleach teeth, and think that the clinics use acctual bleach. In reality, dentists use a very specific peroxide solution, that is too strong to be done over the […]
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What are the best dentures?
I wanted to get a set of dental implants, but they were way too expensive. I’ve seen people with dentures and they look so fake. Is there a way to get beautiful dentues? Edith M. – Portland, OR Edith, Dentures can be made as beautiful as natural teeth. What makes the difference is the dentist you use. It is essential you get a dentist who is not only skilled, but […]
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Can I switch dentists in the middle of an implant procedure?
I am getting two dental implants. The surgery is done, by an oral surgeon, and my dentist put on a maryland bridge. I was excited about this whole procedure, until recently. I’m on my third bridge. I’m beginning to lose confidence in my dentist. Is it OK to switch in the middle of a procedure? I’m spending around $10K on this and want to make sure it is done well. […]
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I think I may have made a mistake choosing my dentist
One month ago, I went to a cosmetic dentist for a sile makeover. The dentist completed 12 lower crowns and 6 veneers on the front upper teeth. I’ve been in pain ever since and generally can’t even chew. My dentist she said to take ibuprofen for a few weeks because so much work was done in such a short amount of time. Also one of the teeth that hurts does not touch […]
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