Home/Dental Implants

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Will My Gum Drop Down with My Dental Implant?

I had a dental implant placed on a tooth which is visible when I smile. The gum for that tooth is higher than the rest of my gums. To me, that looks weird. My dentist suggested I get a temporary crown to see if the gum will drop down on its own. We did that, but I don’t like how the temporary crown looks. Should I get a cosmetic dentist […]

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dental implant illustration

Should a Dentist Cover the Cost of Grafting for a Dental Implant?

I went in for a consultation with my dentist to find out if I could get a dental implant and what the cost would be. I lost the tooth about ten years ago and the dentist said that I had lost some bone in the area, so I would need grafting on top of everything else. After reading information about the procedure, I’ve learned that the dentist could have treated […]

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a cancer patient in a hospital bed smiling with a magazine on her lap

Helping Your Teeth Survive Cancer

A cancer diagnosis can make time stop for a moment. Will you be there when your loved ones need you? How will you get through all the treatments? Then, there is all the information being thrown at you. Chemo, radiation, stem cell treatments. It can be absolutely overwhelming. One thing which tends to get overlooked during this influx of information is what these treatments do to your mouth. Patients who’ve […]

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dental implant illustration

Neurological Problems with Dental Implants?

I am considering getting dental implants, but have heard that those based on a titanium implant can cause neurological problems because of metal being used in the body. Yet, most dentists prefer to use titanium, even though there are zirconia implants available. Is there a reason for this? Karl M. Dear Karl, There hasn’t been any research, that I am aware of, which indicates the titanium from dental implants causes […]

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Ilustration of a dental implant crown being placed in three stages

Over the Border for Dental Implants

I had a dentist tell me something which I’m not sure about. It’s one of those gut feelings that something is wrong. I asked my dentist about dental implants and he said he won’t give me any until I get my gum disease completely dealt with. I was a tad annoyed and thought it wasn’t fair of him to withhold teeth until I did another demanding group of treatments with […]

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Am I Too Old for Dental Implants?

I’m one of those rather “mature” women. When I was 20 years younger, I lost most of my teeth due to a car accident. I was given dentures. I was never even told there were options to dentures. I tried to make the best of it. It was embarrassing having false teeth and they were never comfortable. My daughter just lost a tooth due to a massive infection. She replaced […]

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Traveling for Better Dental Implants

I have a question about traveling for dental implants. I’m not referring to tourism dentistry, which I know is dangerous, but rather within the United States. There aren’t any great options for dentists who do dental implants in my area. Most of them don’t have a very high success rate. I’ve done some research and there’s a dentist in my sister’s area who’s an extraordinary dentist, both in cosmetics and […]

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Ilustration of a dental implant crown being placed in three stages

Dentist Pushing Me to Get Implant

I recently lost a tooth and my dentist is pressuring me to replace it with a dental implant. You have to understand I have a very hard time recovering from surgeries and the idea of doing one electively seems absolutely insane to me. I am currently wearing a dental flipper while I make a decision. Am I insane for looking at alternatives? If not, what do you recommend in my […]

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Am I Too Old for Dental Implants?

I had my teeth replaced years ago with dentures. I don’t think dental implants existed back then, or at least he never mentioned them to me. They haven’t been the best thing in my life. They were ugly, looking almost wooden, but served their purpose so I put up with them. Now they’re no longer serving me well. In fact, I’m having a hard time even keeping them in. My […]

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Can You Switch to Dental Implants After Getting Dentures?

I’ve had dentures for a bit. I kept thinking I’d get used to them because my dentist kept saying I would. However, I haven’t been able to. The worst part is eating. Not only does food get under the dentures but I haven’t been able to eat well since getting them. I’m hoping it’s not too late to switch to dental implants. What do you think? Franny M. Dear Franny, […]

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